showrunner™ Runs on Crestron ZUM-HUB4

Photo courtesy of Crestron Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Showrunner™ now runs on Crestron® ZUM-HUB4 with SW-HUB4-PROG Custom Program License. Showrunner™ runs on all Crestron 4-series processors and VC-4.
Win More DIV 26s with Advanced Features on a Single Platform
Showrunner™ advanced features that win more DIV. 26s are now available on HUB4. Use showrunner™ for just Zῡm or effortlessly “Mix and Match” all Crestron® hardware with showrunner™ including: Zῡm wired, Zῡm wireless, SpaceBuilder, all keypad models, custom keypads, touch panels, sensors, 3rd Party sensors, IoT devices, tunable white, DMX, DALI, and more in a single system with one proven software control platform.
Reduce Specification Risk
Showrunner’s™ easy adaptability means that surprise demands from end-users and unique requests can be met without hassles. Operating over 1200 sites to date, there has not been a request that showrunner™ did not solve. Adaptability wins more DIV 26s as requirements can often be met without additional cost and without custom programming.
Easy Graphic Controls with Insight
ShowrunnerHUB™ brings floorplan control and graphic advanced scheduling to Zῡm along with a great mobile experience on a tablet/phone simply running a browser.

Frictionless Integrations
Integrations of all kinds are simple with showrunner: A/V, BACnet, Shades (most brands), DMX, BMS, HVAC, EISC, REST API, Serial, TCP, UDP.
Cost Efficiency – Priced like a Module, Use Any 4-Series Processor
Showrunner™ is priced based on “controlled hardware”. So you only pay a % for the portion of the hardware that is “controlled”. Standalone areas are excluded.
Just need DMX control for an area? Order showrunner™ based on just the DMX controlled hardware, for example. No need to deal with the costs and uncertainty of a custom module.
Showrunner™ runs on all Crestron® 4-series processors. DIN-AP4s and RMC-4s are less expensive. VC-4 is an immediately available solution that showrunner™ supports. Use VC-4 now and move to other 4-series later if required.
Please contact me for further information or checkout the Agents page at Chief Integrations for more information.
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